The Role of Sister Cities in International Relations
Video recording available:
Webinar was held on March 1, 2022. (Event info page:
Our esteemed panelists discussed the connection between Baltimore and Odesa in light of current events at the intersection of public, private and government partnerships across the world which help promote international diplomacy.
Webinar panelists include:
- Mary E. (‘Mendy’) Nitsch — Director, International Programs at the Maryland Department of Commerce, and coordinator for the State of Maryland’s Sister States program.
- Lewis Madanick — Senior Program Manager for Open World Leadership Center
- Eric Hontz — Deputy Regional Director for Europe and Eurasia at Center for International Private Enterprise
- Ugo Poletti – Chief Editor, Odesa Journal
- Moderator — Karina Mandell, Chair, Baltimore-Odesa Sister City Committee
Webinar organized by Baltimore-Odesa Sister City Committee (BOSCC).
How you can help Odesa
To support the city of Odesa, Ukraine during its time of need:
Donate to our fundraising drive, organized by Baltimore-Odesa Sister City Committee.
WYPR interview
Listen to recent interview on Baltimore’s WYPR radio station with Karina Mandell, Chair, Baltimore-Odesa Sister City Committee, talking about current events in Baltimore’s sister city of Odesa, Ukraine:
About the Baltimore-Odesa Sister City Committee
The Sister Cities International program was established by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956 to create a force for international cooperation and understanding through community involvement by promoting peace through people-to-people relationships. The Baltimore Sister Cities (BSC) Program was established in the early 1970’s by then-Mayor William Donald Schaefer. The Baltimore-Odesa Sister City Committee (BOSCC) was established in 1974 and is the second oldest relationship managed by Baltimore Sister Cities, Inc, a non-profit 501c3 corporation.
Visit for more information, more ways to support Odesa and Ukraine, and to volunteer for the committee.