This page was intended for use by our sister city committee members. This page is not for the general public.
1. Promotion from April 26 – May 15, 2020
A. Please share/like these links:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- LinkedIn:
- Instagram:
From time to time, BRSCC posts new posts on its channels which you can also share/like. Its social media channels are here: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram.
Consider emailing members and friends of your committee to ask them to donate, and posting the food drive on your committee’s web page.
B. Or create your own posts on social media. You can borrow wording from the posts above and use images below. Include a link to our fundraiser page, which is here:
When you posts these posts on a social media platform, please “at” the Maryland Food Bank” name, in order to link its name to its account on that social media platform. Maryland Food Bank’s social media accounts are:
Here are some images that you can download and use in social media posts:
1. Rectangular images for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc:

2. Square images for instagram:

2. Promotion just for May 3-May 6, 2020 — Special campaign for #GivingTuesdayNow
You can share/like the posts on BRSCC’s social media channels, or create your own posts using the text/images below. When you posts these posts on a social media platform, please “at” the Maryland Food Bank” name, in order to link its name to its account on that social media platform.
On Sunday May 3 (could also be done on May 4)
[For Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram]
Tuesday May 5 is #GivingTuesdayNow. This day provides people around the world the opportunity to stand together in unity and to use their individual power of generosity to remain connected with local communities.
Baltimore Sister Cities is participating in GivingTuesdayNow to fundraise for the Maryland Food Bank to fight hunger in our community. The coronavirus outbreak has led to a growing number of Marylanders at risk of losing income and increased food insecurity. Every dollar you give will provide not only the gift of food, but also the gift of hope for food-insecure children and families during this difficult and uncertain time.
Join the movement on May 5, 2020 by donating here: and spread the word about this fundraiser.
You can also support the Maryland Food Bank by volunteering to sort and pack food at one of their locations. Sign up to be a volunteer here:
#BaltimoreSisterCities #SisterCities #MarylandFoodBank #BaltimoreFoodDrive #Baltimore #MarylandUnites #UntilHungerEnds

[For Twitter]
Baltimore Sister Cities is participating in #GivingTuesdayNow on Tuesday May 5 to fundraise for the Maryland Food Bank and fight hunger in our community. Donate here:
#BaltimoreSisterCities #Baltimore #MarylandFoodBank #MarylandUnites #UntilHungerEnds

On Tuesday May 5, 2020
Post 1
[For Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram]
Today is #GivingTuesdayNow, a day to stand with our communities and use our individual generosity to support those who are affected by the COVID-19 crisis.
Baltimore Sister Cities is participating in GivingTuesdayNow to fundraise for the Maryland Food Bank to fight hunger in our community. The coronavirus outbreak has led to a growing number of Marylanders at risk of losing income and increased food insecurity. Every dollar you give will provide not only the gift of food, but also the gift of hope for food-insecure children and families during this difficult and uncertain time.
Join the movement today by donating here: and help spread the word about this fundraiser.
#BaltimoreSisterCities #SisterCities #MarylandFoodBank #BaltimoreFoodDrive #Baltimore #MarylandUnites #UntilHungerEnds
Image for Facebook & LinkedIn:

Image for Instagram:

[For Twitter]
Today is #GivingTuesdayNow. Help fighting hunger in our community by making a donation to BSC’s virtual Food Drive:
#BaltimoreSisterCities #SisterCities #MarylandFoodBank #BaltimoreFoodDrive #Baltimore #MarylandUnites #UntilHungerEnds

Post 2
[For Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram]
The Maryland Food Bank is now more important than ever. Increasingly, people are losing their jobs and rely on the help of others to be able to feed themselves and their children.
Why does the Maryland Food Bank need our help? The statewide network of community partners is distributing 23% more food despite fewer distribution points being operational as a consequence of the coronavirus outbreak. The number of food requests has more than doubled since late March, and in order to keep food supply going, more food needs to be sourced. This has become increasingly challenging for the organization. The Maryland Food Bank needs to raise $12M to fund its COVID-19 response plan.
People from all walks of life find themselves in need of food assistance from time to time. Food insecurity can have lasting effects on both adults and children. This last group in particular will feel the impact of food insecurity on their ability to succeed in school and other activities. By providing them with “Grab & Go” meals, the Maryland Food Bank tries to diminish the consequences of food insecurity for this vulnerable group.
Join the movement today by donating here: and help spread the word about this fundraiser.
#BaltimoreSisterCities #SisterCities #MarylandFoodBank #BaltimoreFoodDrive #Baltimore #MarylandUnites #UntilHungerEnds

On Wednesday May 6, 2020
[For Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram]
Today, on #ThankYouWednesday, we would like to thank everyone who supported our fundraiser for Maryland Food Bank on #GivingTuesdayNow! Our fundraiser continues for a few more weeks. Donate here:
[If we raised a considerable amount of money, we could share that in these posts as well and state that the fundraiser will continue for another 1-2 weeks to achieve our goal of $5000].
#BaltimoreSisterCities #SisterCities #MarylandFoodBank #BaltimoreFoodDrive #Baltimore #MarylandUnites #UntilHungerEnds
[For Twitter]
Today, on #ThankYouWednesday, we would like to thank everyone who supported our fundraiser for Maryland Food Bank on #GivingTuesdayNow! Our fundraiser continues for a few more weeks. Donate here:
#BaltimoreSisterCities #SisterCities #MarylandFoodBank #BaltimoreFoodDrive #Baltimore #MarylandUnites #UntilHungerEnds