Date: Wednesday November 13, 2019
Time: 4-7pm
Location: Columbus Center (IMET), 750 E. Pratt St., Baltimore MD
Admission: Ticketed
This year, World Trade Center Institute is combining the annual State of the Ports event with its 30 Anniversary Celebration. In addition to major exporters and companies providing services through the Port of Baltimore and BWI Airport, this event will attract companies who have made an impact on the World Trade Center Institute over the last 30 years.
At 4pm there are two breakout sessions: Opportunities in an Era of Trade Uncertainty and Maryland State of the Ports Address.
At 5pm, there is a global reception which highlights some of the best Maryland has to offer featuring food from our top international restaurants, beers from local breweries, and an Embassy hosted wine tasting.
Baltimore Sister Cities is a member of World Trade Center Institute and will have representatives at this event. The Netherlands Embassy and Baltimore-Rotterdam Sister City Committee will host a Netherlands-themed table at the reception.
More info & tickets: Event site